September 18, 2023

7 Types of Video You Need to Create in Sales Prospecting

Video is a powerful medium for sales prospecting, offering a way to connect with potential customers in a highly engaging and memorable way. With the right approach, video can be an incredibly effective tool for increasing sales leads and conversions.

There are many different types of video that can be used for sales prospecting, each offering its advantages and challenges. This article will explore seven types of videos that can be used for sales prospecting, from explainer videos to customer testimonials.

1. Product Demo

A product demo video is one of the best ways to showcase your products or services in action. A good product demo will give customers a sense of what your product looks like and how it works and can help them understand how to use it properly.

2. Customer Testimonials

If you have customers willing to share their experiences with your business on camera, it's a good idea to ask them if they'd be willing to do so. You can also ask them if they'd be willing to write down some thoughts about their experience with your company — this can be used in place of video footage if necessary.

3. Explainer Video

While a product demo video is great for showing prospects what your product does and how it works, an explainer video will further teach them what makes it different from its competitors.

4. Personalised Video Messages

Using personalised video to connect with prospects helps you build trust and credibility. The more personal you make the message, the more likely prospects are to engage with it and remember it later on down the line. There’s a much higher chance of it being opened if it’s addressed to your prospects by name. 

5. Educational videos

Courses, webinars, online training modules, etc. These are the bread and butter of most marketing teams. They can be used as lead generation tools in their own right or as part of a larger lead nurturing campaign where they're used as a stepping stone between an introduction and an opportunity meeting (or even an actual sale).

6. FAQs Videos

This video answers common questions that prospects may have about your product or service before they even reach out to sales. This can be an excellent way to do some initial qualifying and get rid of people who aren't going to be interested in what you have to offer anyway (this will save time by eliminating those leads from consideration).

7. Reminder Videos

Reminder videos are a great way to ensure that your leads remember you and your product. This is especially important in lead nurturing because it allows you to stay front-of-mind without constantly bombarding prospects with sales materials or pestering them with emails. Reminder videos also allow you to update people on what's new in your industry and talk about any changes that might have occurred since the last time they checked out your company.


When creating a video for sales prospecting, the most important thing to remember is to focus on the customer. Video can be an incredibly powerful tool for connecting with potential customers, but only if it's done correctly. The best way to ensure your videos are effective at generating sales leads is by crafting a story that resonates with your audience and helps them solve their problems.

Lead nurturing through video is a powerful tool for sales prospecting. Sixty Seconds can help you create effective videos to increase your sales leads. We'll work with you to make sure your message is clear, concise and compelling. Talk to us to see what we’re doing with other businesses like yours to attract more warm leads!

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