Make sure your video content stands out among the competition
As video content becomes more and more popular, it can be hard to make sure your videos stand out among the competition. But with a little planning and creativity, you can create videos that are not only engaging but also memorable. Here are some tips on how to make your video content stand out.
Keep it short and sweet
The average person's attention span is only 8 seconds, so make sure your video is under 2 minutes
With more and more people watching videos online, it’s becoming increasingly important to make sure your content is as engaging as possible. Sticking to a two minute limit is a great way to ensure that you keep viewers interested. It may seem like a short amount of time, but you can still get amazing results in just two minutes! Try experimenting with different lengths and formats—but remember: Keep it short and sweet if you want to capture people’s attention.
Start with a bang
Grab people's attention right from the beginning with an exciting opening scene
Let's face it, no matter how good the story you're telling is, if you can't capture your audience right away then there's a chance they may not stick around until the end. That's why starting off with a "bang" can be so effective- it grabs people's attention instantly and encourages them to stay engaged. Innovative storylines and suspenseful dialogue are great ways to start things off in an exciting way, as those elements help to establish an immediate connection between the reader or viewer and the characters on screen or in print. With the right kind of beginning, your readers will be hooked- so don't forget to do your homework and find creative ways to make sure you start off with a bang!
Tell a story
People are more likely to remember a video that tells a compelling story rather than one that just presents facts
It is no surprise that people remember stories far better than facts. After all, we have been telling and sharing stories since humans first evolved. Studies have shown that a video which tells a story is more likely to be remembered by its viewers. Our brain easily absorbs information when it comes with an interesting narrative arc full of characters, setting and suspense. We remember the emotions associated with the story and how it makes us feel more keenly than just factual information presented directly to us in the form of a video. The next time you are making a video for your viewers, adding some storytelling elements can make for an unforgettable experience!
Be creative
Use interesting visuals, graphics, and music to make your video stand out from the rest
With so many videos competing for attention online, having an eye-catching video can make all the difference. It’s important to think outside of the box when creating visuals and graphics to complement your video. Using interesting fonts and colour schemes will help grab viewers’ attention, while layering graphics on top of moving imagery can give your project more depth and texture. Similarly, selecting a great piece of background music will set the tone for your video and reflect the aesthetic you’re going for. All in all, by using some clever design techniques, you have the power to create an original video that stands out from the crowd.
Use keywords wisely
Choose keywords that people are actually searching for and include them in your title and description
Whether you’re writing web copy, blog posts, or product descriptions, it pays to be mindful of the keywords you’re using. The best way to make sure the words you use will actually be helpful to your reader is to make sure they are words that people are actually searching for. If you do enough research, not only can you find the most effective keywords to include in a headline, but also throughout the rest of your text. By using keywords wisely and strategically placing them within your titles and descriptions - even as part of hashtags - you're setting yourself up for greater engagement as well as potentially improved SEO ranking over time.
If you follow these tips, you'll be sure to create a video that's both memorable and informative. And who knows - maybe your video will even go viral! So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start filming!